. 1992; 2(2): 162-166 | DOI: 10.5222/terh.1992.84152  

5.5 Yıl Yaşayan Bir Hiler Kolanjiokarsinom Olgusu

Kimitaka Kogure1, Yasushi Tsuzukı2, Tatsuo Shımura1, Nobuyuki Aokı1, Masatoshi Ishızakı1, Masaaki Nemoto1
1Gunma University, School of Medicine Department of Surgery Showamachl Maebashl, Japan
2Tone Central Hosprtal Higashiharashinnmachi Numata, Japan
3Gunma University, School of Medicine Department of Surgery Showamachl Maebashl, Japan
4Gunma University, School of Medicine Department of Surgery Showamachl Maebashl, Japan
5Gunma University, School of Medicine Department of Surgery Showamachl Maebashl, Japan
6Gunma University, School of Medicine Department of Surgery Showamachl Maebashl, Japan

68 yaşındaki sarıklı bir erkek hastada hiler bölgeye yerleşmiş safra yolu kanseri saptandı. Sol hepatik Lobektomi ve tümör ekstirpasyonu uygulandı. Ekstirpasyon tümörün 1 cm proksimal ve 2 cm distalinden yapılmasına rağmen sağ hepatik kanal güdüğü histolojik olarak pozitif idi. Diseke edilen tüm lenf nodülleri metastaz içeriyordu. Radyoterapi ve kemoterapi uygulanmadı. Ameliyattan sonra hasta 5 yıl konforlu bir yaşam sürdü. Ateş ve karın ağrısı yakınmaları ile tekrar müracaat eden hastada retrograd kolanjit düşünüldü. Her iki ureterin metastazlarla tıkanması sonucu 6 ay sonra kaybedildi, hastada ölünceye kadar sarılık gelişmedi.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Dış safra yolu, Karaciğer rezeksiyonu, Safrayolu kanseri

A Case of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma With 5.5 Years Survival After Hepatectomy Hepatektomiyle

Kimitaka Kogure1, Yasushi Tsuzukı2, Tatsuo Shımura1, Nobuyuki Aokı1, Masatoshi Ishızakı1, Masaaki Nemoto1
1Gunma University, School of Medicine Department of Surgery Showamachl Maebashl, Japan
2Tone Central Hosprtal Higashiharashinnmachi Numata, Japan
3Gunma University, School of Medicine Department of Surgery Showamachl Maebashl, Japan
4Gunma University, School of Medicine Department of Surgery Showamachl Maebashl, Japan
5Gunma University, School of Medicine Department of Surgery Showamachl Maebashl, Japan
6Gunma University, School of Medicine Department of Surgery Showamachl Maebashl, Japan

A 68 year old man with hilar cholangiocarcinoma had undergone a left hepatic lobectomy and hilar bile duct resection with hepaticojejunostomy. The right hepatic duct and the common bile duct were macroscopically excised at 1 cm and 2 cm distal from the margin of the cancer; respectively, however, cancer invasion was histologically positive at the stump of the right hepatic duct.The first and second group of lymph nodes were dissected. Metastasis was detected in all dissected lymph nodes. After the operation the patient could live with a good quality of life for five years.There after the patient had fever and abdominal pain and retrograde cholangitis was suspected. Six months later, the patient ultimately died of renal failure due to cancer invasion of both side of the ureters, however, there vvas no sign of the obstructive jaundice.

Keywords: Bile duct carcinoma, Extrahepatic bile duct, Liver resection

Kimitaka Kogure, Yasushi Tsuzukı, Tatsuo Shımura, Nobuyuki Aokı, Masatoshi Ishızakı, Masaaki Nemoto. A Case of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma With 5.5 Years Survival After Hepatectomy Hepatektomiyle. . 1992; 2(2): 162-166

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