. 1995; 5(2): 190-195 | DOI: 10.5222/terh.1995.78790  

ASİTLİ ASİTSİZ HEPATİK HİDROTORAKS Tek Yönlü Diyafragmatik Kaçağın Sintigrafiyle Gösterilmesi

Kaan Osmanağaoğlu1, Tarık Çağa2, Karel Schelstraete1, Maris Sımons1
1University Hospital, De Pintelaan Ghent, Dept.of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine Belgium
2University Hospital, De Pintelaan Ghent, Dept. of Liver Transplantation and Digestive Surgery Belgium

Karaciğer sirozlu hastalarda özellikle asit gelişmemişse hidrotoraks ender gelişir. Hidrotoraksın karaciğer orijinli olduğunu kabul etmezden önce akciğer, kalb ve böbrek patolojileri elimine edilmelidir. Asitsiz hastalarda tanı güçleşir. 2 karaciğer sirozlu (biri asitsiz) ve sağ hidrotorakslı hastada radyoizotop tekniğiyle plevral sıvının karm orijinli olduğunu gösterdik. Karşı yönde sıvı transferi yoktu.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Karaciğer, Siroz, Plöral Effüzyon

HEPATIC HYDOTHORAX WITH AND WITHOUT ASCITES Scintigraphic Demonstration of Furıctional Unidirectional Diophragmatic Leaks

Kaan Osmanağaoğlu1, Tarık Çağa2, Karel Schelstraete1, Maris Sımons1
1University Hospital, De Pintelaan Ghent, Dept.of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine Belgium
2University Hospital, De Pintelaan Ghent, Dept. of Liver Transplantation and Digestive Surgery Belgium

Hydrothorax is not a very common symptom in patients with hepatic cirrhosis, especially when there is no clinical evidence of concomitant ascites. Before accepting the hepatic origin of the hydrothorax it is necessary to exclude other cardiac, pulmonary or renal pathologies which could be partly or entirely responsible for this symptom. The existence of ascites may help to suggest the origin of hydrothorax. In patients with hydrothorax without ascites, establishing the diagnose is more complicated. We present two hepatic cirrhotic patients with right hydothorax in the absence and presence of ascites using radioisotopic techniques it was demonstrated that in both situations the pleural fluid originated in the abdomen and hence was transported into the pleural cavity. There was no fluid transfer in the opposite direction.

Keywords: Ascites, Cirrhosis, Hydrothorax, 99m-Technetium tin colloid.

Kaan Osmanağaoğlu, Tarık Çağa, Karel Schelstraete, Maris Sımons. HEPATIC HYDOTHORAX WITH AND WITHOUT ASCITES Scintigraphic Demonstration of Furıctional Unidirectional Diophragmatic Leaks. . 1995; 5(2): 190-195

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